Twin Flame Path to Ultimate Healing & Oneness
Welcome Twin Flames!
Channeled Message for the Program: We all have Twin Flames. Those who identify as such have a greater level of awareness for it. Your role {the role of this program} is to show them the way to self-love and self-mastery. Twin Flames are yearning to come Home. Home lies in Oneness. Oneness with Self. Oneness with those identified as your Twin. And then Oneness with the Whole. Healing is essential. This is healing beyond what has been manifested on earth yet [for those identified in the Twin Flame Collective].
What to Expect? (Click for program details)
Month One (Week One)
Introduction to Program
Lesson One: Energy System & Self-Healing Introduction
Lesson Two: Twin Flame Healing Intro, Karma & Dissolving Negative Patterns
Healing Session One: 45-Minute Chakra Balancing & Energy Block Removal (Click to Access Download)
Month One (Week Three)
Lesson Three: Unconditional Self Love
Week Three Meditations:
1. Black Balloon Technique (Morning Meditation)
2. Shredding Technique (Evening Meditation)
3. Space Clearing Energy Session
4. Positive Energy Space Infusion