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Twin Flame Healing with the Archangels [Channeled Energy MP3]

Reiki with Rachael

Twin Flame Healing with the Archangels [Channeled Energy MP3]


In this session, I was contacted by several archangels who had a message and different areas of healing they wanted to help us with. Each archangel is channeled separately and in the end, they come together with your team of guides and angels to ground in Union.

This is was truly a Divine experience and if you are guided, this healing is meant for you.

The angels who came through were

  • Archangel Gabriel--Communication
  • Michael-- Severing Thought Patterns and Grounding in Union
  • Jophiel-- Uniting Twins in Light
  • Zadkiel-- Total Transformation of Old Energies
  • Raphael-- Heart Healing, Healing Wounds, Open Heart
  • Ariel-- Courage and Union

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